"I am not a homemaker because I had too little ambition or education to make anything else of myself. No—I am a homemaker because God has given me the infinite honour of being a wife, and I delight in employing every ability that He has equipped me with in this glad career. I LOVE BEING HOME."

~ Lanier Ivester

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thanksgiving Everyday

Elisabeth is sick for the first time.
I am thankful it is nothing too serious.

late night talks with my little sister.

immediate family all present to share a meal.

 plenty of food when so many have none.

little ones singing in harmony.

Hannah's signature all over my paperwork.
Proof that when it goes in one ear it does not all come out the other.

cozy feather-filled duvet
sending the autumn chills away

ricotta cheesecake for dessert
it was my first attempt

the children run eagerly to greet their father this morning as he comes in from work
"HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!" they all chime in unison
and he says...
"But don't we give thanks everyday?"

holy experience

1 comment:

Jenny said...

What a great response from your husband!

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