"I am not a homemaker because I had too little ambition or education to make anything else of myself. No—I am a homemaker because God has given me the infinite honour of being a wife, and I delight in employing every ability that He has equipped me with in this glad career. I LOVE BEING HOME."

~ Lanier Ivester

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

A lost Virtue

Modesty is know these days as the lost and forgotten virtue. It  is an issue that has been on my mind quite a bit lately and I have been studying scriptures and doing a ton of reading, about modesty and the present obvious lack of it in our western world.  

One of the books that I am currently reading is 

A return to modesty: discovering the lost virtue

 By Wendy Shalit 
It is extremely thought provoking and covers so many areas of life where modesty should com into play.
I am half way through it and  so far I like it despite the cover (that I have been hiding with a cotton book cover).
 I might post a full review when I am done. Also when I get a moment  am going to post my full reading list in the sidebar.

Monday, November 2, 2009


holy experience

31.Time for a bit of crochet each day.
32. Elisabeth finally sitting sans bumbo
33. Autumn crimson

34. Autumn gold


35. Growing girly, dressing herself

36. Little ones, no longer too timid to venture out.

37. Forgiving friends
38. Out to the movies with the kids 
39. Sunday supper, made by my hubby
40. Caterpillar crayon creations, scribbled beside my desk

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Have you signed up yet?

So November is NAtional NOvel WRIting MOnth are you writing?
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