"I am not a homemaker because I had too little ambition or education to make anything else of myself. No—I am a homemaker because God has given me the infinite honour of being a wife, and I delight in employing every ability that He has equipped me with in this glad career. I LOVE BEING HOME."

~ Lanier Ivester

Friday, October 30, 2009

Pancakes anyone?

Our Kids love pancakes, as do. I am not picky and like pretty much any variety of them, and I have become accustomed to making them in different was for different days. Small, light and fluffy when DH is on the his way out, thick and filling dish size, thin dollar size, with berries or chocolate chips. Maybe we will have them  today some bananas and tomorrow with vanilla, cinnamon and nutmeg. Our table is always set up with many spreads, jams, butters, fresh fruit etc. My husband ( being from Quebec) he loves 100% maple syrup and has an abundance of childhood stories and memories of school trips to make syrup and making it at home :) He also prefers French crepes over pancakes. I make one or the other every weekend.

Here are some of our families favorite recipes. To make them I simple mix wet and dry ingredients separate then together and then I make them in a non stick pan. I usually double or triplet these recipes based on who is eating and how hungry I think they might be.  Also many times I quadruple the recipe, cook them, and freeze them in ziploc bags of three or four ( one serving).    Vanilla, cinnamon, diced fruit, berries, nutmeg, chocolate chips, or what every your family likes can be added right before you cook them, just stir it in.  As for the crepes these are the ones I make. To make a thinner batter add more milk, for a thicker one add more baking powder, and for a more filling one add an extra egg and a bit more flour.

pretty thick pancakes
1.5 cups flour
1 tsp salt
3 tbsp baking powder
1 tbsp sugar
1 1/4 cups milk
1 egg
3 tbsp melted butter

simply yummy pancakes
1 cup flour
1 tsp salt
1 egg
2 tbsp veg. oil
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp baking powder

Light & Spongy Pancakes
1 cup flour
1/4 tbsp salt
2 tbsp sugar
1 egg
1 cup buttermilk
4 tbsp unsalted butter
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp baking soda

Enjoy your pancakes and your weekend!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Eight years...

Eight years ago yesterday I was 15 years old and in excruciating pain.
God was there.
It was just a few weeks earlier that I had discovered that I was expecting my first child.
I was lonely, lost, confused and sad.
I was called a loser, an embarrassment, pathetic, and many worse thing that I dare not utter on this here blog.
God was with me.
I was not a Christian.
I did not believe that  could love someone like me.
It was a lie, whispered to me daily.
My Heavenly Father loved me unconditionally.
October 27th 2001 I had an appointment.
Not at the dentist but with a doctor, the kind that kill.
An appointment not made by me
 ,but one I was told by an elder that I MUST attend.
A threat that I shall not repeat.
For the first time in my life I prayed.
Not a Hail Mary, or Our Father that we recited each day in school.
A true prayer from my tarnished blackened heart.
I pleaded with the Lord.
He listened with opened hear, arms and ears.
" Please, please, please I beg of you! You say you are Lord Most High. Do something!  Do not let tomorrows' appointment come. I will take my life if I have to do that. I cannot live with myself. I might not be a good person but I am not a murderer. You said ask and I shall receive; I am begging you. "
He watched me, heard me, He was with me, then He answered.
As I sat in the bathroom in unbearable pain crying for help,
 but no one cared for me except Him.
With a sharp pain, a pop, and a massive gush,
my waters had prematurely ruptured.
Apparently despite my slim figure I was further along
than previously thought.
The details of what happened next will remain with me,
perhaps to be posted at a later date.
In the end in the back room of a hospital with the help of to "God sent" midwives, I gave birth to a breech baby boy who never took a breath outside the womb, strangled by the cord on his way out.
I never looked at him... I did not have the required courage.
It is one of the biggest regrets of my life, I should have looked.
I named him Jesse Johnathan which means
God Exists and God has given.

"...the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD." JOB 1:21

I have have experienced much distress, hurt and heart break in my little 23 years of life. But it is only recently that my eyes have become open to see and understand that I was never alone. I used to cry out to the Lord "where were you when ______________. " Now I see how my Heavenly Father was there more than any other. I see how He watched over me, loved me,  guided me.

I am eternally gratefully that God exists and God has given.


Christina B

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thanksgiving Everyday

Elisabeth is sick for the first time.
I am thankful it is nothing too serious.

late night talks with my little sister.

immediate family all present to share a meal.

 plenty of food when so many have none.

little ones singing in harmony.

Hannah's signature all over my paperwork.
Proof that when it goes in one ear it does not all come out the other.

cozy feather-filled duvet
sending the autumn chills away

ricotta cheesecake for dessert
it was my first attempt

the children run eagerly to greet their father this morning as he comes in from work
"HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!" they all chime in unison
and he says...
"But don't we give thanks everyday?"

holy experience

Friday, October 9, 2009


Both my sister and I had easy bake ovens.  I had wanted to give mine to  Hannah but it is currently a condo for the massive spiders in my mother's basement. The spiders are so big that even my husband would not touch it. A friend of mine gave her one for her birthday and today we finally got around to using it.

Hannah amazed that she actually made a cake with a light bulb.

We were out of sprinkles so she suggested chocolate chips.

I am glad she did :)

She was eager to share.

Some mango lemonade to go with, as per her request.

I cannot believe that she is three already! She loves to sing as she works and is eager to learn how to read. Her daily enthusiasm pushes me and makes me strive to be a better teacher. When she meet s people she likes telling them that her Heavenly Father is The King of Kings   and she is a princess " fearfally end wondafally made"
  Oh how I love this little girl!

Monday, October 5, 2009


I have been meaning to participate along with the gratitude community from since it began many months ago. I sort of did, just not in the blogosphere. Better now then never...right.

holy experience

perseverance of my hardworking husband
he works so hard it melts my heart

giggles and cooing
of two little girls 

joyful grins
all in a row

autumn skies
are my favourite

morning sunsets
from the 21st floor

Hannah rising early to join me in prayer
makes me smile
thriving business, allowing me to stay at home
where I belong

bamboo on my desk inching higher and higher
bouncing back from neglect

little fingers by my side
just because

laundry almost finished before dusk

heart-felt apology
from a straying soul

freshly blueberry cookies fresh from the oven 
smelt so good

baby peacefully napping
even if only for a few minutes

sick eyes now healed
praise the Lord

toddlers reciting memory verses
instead of tv commercials
most of the time

innocence of a child
is amazing

baby girl in blue
she makes anything girly

bookshelf overflowing
so much to read

son eager to learn more and more
was behind,now caught up,striving to be ahead

well loved chalk board
my homeschool helper
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