"I am not a homemaker because I had too little ambition or education to make anything else of myself. No—I am a homemaker because God has given me the infinite honour of being a wife, and I delight in employing every ability that He has equipped me with in this glad career. I LOVE BEING HOME."

~ Lanier Ivester

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

A reintroduction....

Since it has been quite some time since I have been posting regularly, I plan to reintroduce everyone. The kids have grown quite a bit!

Here is Elisabeth Ruth, this little miss will be one year old on the 22nd of this month!

11 months right now with 5 sharp teeth.

This is her last year with here big sis.

Three months and basking in the sunlight.

Her she is at 10 months in her favorite pjs.

11 months and teething.


Hannah Nicole said...

Aw! I LOVE the last two pics! Adorable! :)

Natalie said...

I must say, beautiful images! I bumble around on blogspot clicking the 'next blog' button often, and I feel a need to leave a comment on the rare blogs that really strike me :)

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