"I am not a homemaker because I had too little ambition or education to make anything else of myself. No—I am a homemaker because God has given me the infinite honour of being a wife, and I delight in employing every ability that He has equipped me with in this glad career. I LOVE BEING HOME."

~ Lanier Ivester

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Happy School Year's Eve

I am a bit late but check this out. Well we are not really "going" back to school so we have fun almost everyday anyways.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

2009-2010 Homeschool

Isaiah will turn 7 on September 21st 2009
He will be in 2nd grade this year.
He is enrolled in Alpha Omega Academy and using Lifepacs for
Horizons + Corresponding with various pen pals.
  Guitar lessons
 Swimming lessons + Soccer
Bible NIRV + KJV
Hannah will turn 3 on September 25th 2009
She will be in junior kindergarten (prek) this year.
That curriculum will cover all her core subjects.
For Music she will start piano in Jan or Feb 2010 
For Gym she attends gymnastics.
Imanuel will turn 2 on November 5th 2009.
He is a toddler in pre-pre k. 
He will be using your baby can read.
He will be working on manners, patience, 
memorizing bible verses instead of television commercials, 
saying (not singing) the alphabet, shapes, colors, using the potty
coloring inside the lines, and keeping quiet while I am on the phone.
Elisabeth will turn 1 on March 22nd 2010
She will be using your baby can read.
She will also work on crawling, walking, lounging, talking, singing and eating solids.
We will all be singing hymns and 
trying to be closer to being more like
Christ our Lord each day.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

I think I deserve an award.

For the most infrequent blogger. But anyway I am back just in time for school. :)
It has obviously been awhile, look how much our little one has grown!

She is 5 months today.
The photo was taken exactly a month ago, I am too tired to upload todays pics. She is so cute that it doesn't really matter. Look at those eyes, they brighten my days. She is such a pleasant girl.
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